Sunday, June 24, 2012

Confucianism and Taoism are two different theories in China. Confucianism focuses on building a good and harmonious relationship. Conversely, Taoism focuses on peace of the soul and nature. For a harmonious society, the values of Confucianism that have to offer in 21st century are polite, humble, and sincere. In “The Lion King”, the peaceful of the kingdom is based on their love, respect, and responsibilities. This reflects the results of offering the values of Confucianism. Moreover, in order to get back the ecological balance, the values of Taoism that have to offer in 21st century are respect and follow the nature. The “circle of life” that mentions in the film “The Lion King” indicates that nature has a particular pattern and cannot be ignored. This theory reflects the reason of offering the value of Taoism.

In the 21st century, people care about equality. They want to be treated the same and have the same rights to do anything regardless of the sex, race, and age. Therefore, many countries have set up some laws to avoid discrimination and inequalities among people in order to promote equality. However, I think there are some conditions, which humans cannot control. In our life, people still can get different opportunities by their destiny, faces, intelligence, and abilities. Under these circumstances, they will have different families, careers, wealth, and education levels to make them get a totally different life. Some of them who are smarter or richer will have a comfortable life with a high salary job, a gorgeous house and a high reputation. The rest of them who are not that bright and rich, struggle for their daily life to get three meals a day. Even though there are many organizations are trying to help poor people to modify their living standard, the gap between the rich and the poor does not seem to be diminished. When our world is full of unfairness, I can’t see that there is any reason that we can consider our world as equality.

People around the world come together became a world of mass-culture. I think the two ways that we use to retain our individualities while we are expressing our feelings and learning from each other are stand on the principles that we believe in and never change our viewpoints without a good reason.

From past to present, our world has already changed a lot. I do not think any ancient promise still realistic in the 21st century. In past, our ancestors believed that everyone should have an equal life. Some of the countries tried to achieve the equal environment and they became a communist country. Unfortunately, communist countries couldn’t maintain well. Therefore, most of them have turned away from communism and toward capitalism to create a prosperous country. Because of this strong evidence, it makes me believe that under our competitive world, none of the ancient promise is realistic and suitable.


  1. Funny think, I used to have a book of quotes called "Confucius Says". I always thought Confucianism and Taoism were similar in theory, but after taking a comparitive religions course at CCSF I learned that Confucianism focuses more on moral, social, and ethical philosophy while the goal in Taoism is to achieve Tao or come into harmony with Tao. It's actually pretty interesting stuff. I think learning about all the different beliefs/religions is fascinating.

  2. you are well-defined with Confucianism and Taoism and relate them to the 21 century sociaty of how people are pursung equality. but from my perspective, I think confucianism and Taoism are tools of philosophy and ideology to manipulate people's thinking and act so that the ruling parties achieve their purposes no matter wheter or not these communism and capitalism's countries are.
