Sunday, June 24, 2012

Game Violence

Today, video games becomes one of the favorite activities of young people. Video games bring to game player a lot of fun, but also bring some negative effects. In fact, according to 35% of children have been affected around world by video game violence.  Violent video game increase arguments with teacher , low school grades and physical fights and a big number of children become hostile, aggressivebecause of playing violent video games.                                     
One reason for violent video game change children to hostile is that most video game based on violence and easy to affect children to think that violence is the best way to solve problems. Children enjoy their game world play with gun and many kinds of weapon to kill others. They learning things fast, spend times on video game makes them learn a lot of things from games, especially the violent things. It is why a lot of arguments with teacher and fighting happen in school. They learned the best way to solve problems and used in real life.
The other reason why violent video games increase aggression is that there is lasting effects for aggression. Violent video games not only affect children when they are playing violent video game, but also affect children when they keep thinking about details of the violent video game. In one study, the researchers randomly assigned college students to play one of six different video games for 20 minutes. Half the games were violent (e.g., Mortal Kombat) and half were not (e.g., Guitar Hero). To test if ruminating about the game would extend the games' effect, half of the players were told over "the next 24 hours, think about your play of the game, and try to identify ways your game play could improve when you play again." Players may keep thinks about the details of the video game, it increase aggression long after the game is turned off.
There are more and more children that are influenced by violent video game. Some of them already pay a price for their aggressive behaviors and keep got low grades in class. It becomes a big issue around the world. The parents and government have the responsibility to limit the violent video game, because the violent video games have more negative effects on players.

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