Sunday, July 1, 2012

My first car accident...

Well, the title about says it all. Last week on my way to school, I didn't even remembered what happened. My brain was empty & blank. Someone hit my car; it damaged the whole back section of the car. That is so scary... At first, I was really upset and worried, but now I'm glad everyone is okay though. I've had a license for about 5 years now without a ticket or accident. My hands are still a bit shaky thinking about it.

After that, I called my insurance company. My insurance guy said that I can appeal the surcharge for my policy, and I have a good chance of winning it. So, it wasn't nearly as bad as I could have been.

That experience thought me a lot about auto insurance and what to do and not do in order to maintain a good insurance record. And I learned my lessons.
The first thing that I learned was to never take my eyes off the road for any extended period of time. Tending to a simple thing like my stereo coasted me big time because subsequently my insurance premium went up. Also, it could have been worse if I was going at speed and became distracted by adjusting the stereo.
The second thing that I learned was to never take anything for granted while on the road. If ever in an accident, always get the other drivers vehicle and insurance information.
Finally, always call your insurance company and file a report no matter the severity of the accident.

I know this accident will remain me all the time when I am driving. Drive Safe everyone! No just say so.

Anyway, I got my new car cause obviously my TOYOYA is gone. 

Good Bye Camry.....Welcome Mini...

I will take good care of you^______^


  1. sorry to hear about your accident. i hope that you werent injured

    1. I am lucky I am fine. nobody got injured.

  2. that is why i saw you drove the mini. nice. sorry you had accident.

  3. Sorry about your accident. Hope your doing better. Thanks for sharing the information in case we are ever involved in an accident as well.

  4. I’m glad that you were able to see a silver lining in this accident. It might be a terrible and scary experience, but it taught you to be more alert on the road and to drive safely at all times. It’s really not a very pleasant experience to get yourself caught in an accident, and it's best to take measures to avoid such situations. Drive safe!

    Richard Johnson
