Sunday, June 24, 2012

Confucianism and Taoism are two different theories in China. Confucianism focuses on building a good and harmonious relationship. Conversely, Taoism focuses on peace of the soul and nature. For a harmonious society, the values of Confucianism that have to offer in 21st century are polite, humble, and sincere. In “The Lion King”, the peaceful of the kingdom is based on their love, respect, and responsibilities. This reflects the results of offering the values of Confucianism. Moreover, in order to get back the ecological balance, the values of Taoism that have to offer in 21st century are respect and follow the nature. The “circle of life” that mentions in the film “The Lion King” indicates that nature has a particular pattern and cannot be ignored. This theory reflects the reason of offering the value of Taoism.

In the 21st century, people care about equality. They want to be treated the same and have the same rights to do anything regardless of the sex, race, and age. Therefore, many countries have set up some laws to avoid discrimination and inequalities among people in order to promote equality. However, I think there are some conditions, which humans cannot control. In our life, people still can get different opportunities by their destiny, faces, intelligence, and abilities. Under these circumstances, they will have different families, careers, wealth, and education levels to make them get a totally different life. Some of them who are smarter or richer will have a comfortable life with a high salary job, a gorgeous house and a high reputation. The rest of them who are not that bright and rich, struggle for their daily life to get three meals a day. Even though there are many organizations are trying to help poor people to modify their living standard, the gap between the rich and the poor does not seem to be diminished. When our world is full of unfairness, I can’t see that there is any reason that we can consider our world as equality.

People around the world come together became a world of mass-culture. I think the two ways that we use to retain our individualities while we are expressing our feelings and learning from each other are stand on the principles that we believe in and never change our viewpoints without a good reason.

From past to present, our world has already changed a lot. I do not think any ancient promise still realistic in the 21st century. In past, our ancestors believed that everyone should have an equal life. Some of the countries tried to achieve the equal environment and they became a communist country. Unfortunately, communist countries couldn’t maintain well. Therefore, most of them have turned away from communism and toward capitalism to create a prosperous country. Because of this strong evidence, it makes me believe that under our competitive world, none of the ancient promise is realistic and suitable.

Game Violence

Today, video games becomes one of the favorite activities of young people. Video games bring to game player a lot of fun, but also bring some negative effects. In fact, according to 35% of children have been affected around world by video game violence.  Violent video game increase arguments with teacher , low school grades and physical fights and a big number of children become hostile, aggressivebecause of playing violent video games.                                     
One reason for violent video game change children to hostile is that most video game based on violence and easy to affect children to think that violence is the best way to solve problems. Children enjoy their game world play with gun and many kinds of weapon to kill others. They learning things fast, spend times on video game makes them learn a lot of things from games, especially the violent things. It is why a lot of arguments with teacher and fighting happen in school. They learned the best way to solve problems and used in real life.
The other reason why violent video games increase aggression is that there is lasting effects for aggression. Violent video games not only affect children when they are playing violent video game, but also affect children when they keep thinking about details of the violent video game. In one study, the researchers randomly assigned college students to play one of six different video games for 20 minutes. Half the games were violent (e.g., Mortal Kombat) and half were not (e.g., Guitar Hero). To test if ruminating about the game would extend the games' effect, half of the players were told over "the next 24 hours, think about your play of the game, and try to identify ways your game play could improve when you play again." Players may keep thinks about the details of the video game, it increase aggression long after the game is turned off.
There are more and more children that are influenced by violent video game. Some of them already pay a price for their aggressive behaviors and keep got low grades in class. It becomes a big issue around the world. The parents and government have the responsibility to limit the violent video game, because the violent video games have more negative effects on players.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

California’s economy is one of the largest economies in the U.S, and it is the eighth largest in the world. It is one of the busiest states in the United States. California’s economy specialized on trade, business services, education, health services, international commerce, hospitality, agriculture, and high-technology. It produces at least half of fresh fruits in the United States. Many top  ten companies such as Facebook, HP, Apple, Google, and etc  have their offices in North California, especially in Silicon Valley, Santa Clara, and San Mateo country. For this reason, many people have been coming to the state to find a job and settle. However, in 2009 it faced economic crises which significantly hurt the state’s economy. Today California still goes thought hard time. The state’s economy growth slowly, but it’s still   unstable because the government face a huge deficit with which they don’t know what to do. Many people lost their job; some school and colleges reduced their class size and closed some classes. Some people are suffered by this terrible economic situation in the state. The solution that government found for this problem is raising taxes because it has always been the major resource of state’s budget. So each year they keep going to raise income and sale taxes and cut the budget. The State Government is hoping that raising taxes will eventually help to cover the deficit and recover economy.  Today California has the highest income taxes and second highest sale taxes in the United States. In November 2011 the Gov. Brown suggested a new proposal of  raising income taxes on millionaires in a purpose to avoid additional  budget cutting of public service. As everything this proposal has advantages and disadvantages. Different group of people will get benefit from it or will be hurt by new taxes.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

     Hello, everyone. I am the one who love shopping, like other woman :) I always think shopping can brighten up our day with all those colorful apparels, shoes and accessories. When I feel low and upset , you don’t have to take us to meditation center. I just need to go shopping. Today, I want to take about my shopping experiences.

     Amazon is that you can see the customer is the center of this business. I have ordered an incorrect product once, but was easily able to contact the seller and get my money refunded. Great company that is loyal to their customers.

One of my positive retail experiences that I have it happened last year. I bought a road race set in Toy r us, for my ten years-old brother's birthday. The next day, he and some friends were playing with it. One of the cars was missing, We looked everywhere; I think one kid took the car, but we could not prove it. I called the toy company and asked about buying a new car. When I told the Customer Service representative what happened, she offered to send a new car for free. She said no kid should have a birthday gift stolen.

     I also have some worst shopping experience. Once, I went to Best Buy to look for a replacement TV remote. One of the representatives who came up to me asked me what I was looking for. I asked him about some of the features for the various remotes and the guy says "Honestly I don’t know anything about these, but who do you get your TV service through”. Not only did he not help me, but also he has been trying to sell me things I don’t want. He didn’t even offer to send someone over that could answer my questions. Of course, he keeps standing next to me and trying to talk about my TV bill – and I just want help to find the right remote.

Monday, June 11, 2012

My hair sotry

     I have watched the new movies -Snow White and the Hutsman starring Charlize Theron and Kirsten Stewart reminds me of a painful memory.
     During preschool, the teachers took it upon themselves to involve the kids in a production that involved songs and dance. The story theme that year was Snow White and the seven dwarfs. It was to be presented at the square in the middle where all the classrooms surrounded. In other words, it was going to be legendary.
     At that point of my life, for some reason, I was quite preoccupied with how my hair looked. My most precious belonging was that of a plastic coconut tree hairpin, of which it was reserved for very special occasions.
     On the day that they would pick Snow White, I carefully pinned up half of my fringe for the occasion. I looked at the mirror. I adjusted the pin again and looked at myself again. The tree was not in the right angle to frame my face. I tried again, and again. In fact, I took so long; my mother came in to check on me. She observed me for a minute and exasperatedly whipped the hairpin from my hand and pinned it on top of my head.
     I looked into the mirror. It was a DISASTER.
     Needless to say, I started bawling. My mother, looking slightly sheepish, disregarded my obsession and whisked me off to take the school bus.
     I didn't get the Snow White part.
     To put it into perspective, the girl who got the part was a cherubic fair lass with perfect teeth and rosy lips. Her hair was a perfect bowl cut, which framed her pretty face. Me? I was then skinny and dark with a missing front tooth. And of course, bad hair.
     Did I blame my mother?
     Curiously that is one part of my memory that I don't remember. What I do remember however, was that on the big day of the play, I had skipped away "nonchalantly" while it played out.
     During my mother's time, they had so much to take care of; food on the table, difficult jobs, their inadequate salary, mothers, mother in laws, 6am wet markets marketing, school fees, bills. Our fragile egos were probably the last thing on their minds.
     And yet, because of all that, it made me the person I am today.
     I imagine upon reading this my mother would feel both indignant at my little anecdote and maybe a little guilty for not being patient then. But Mom, from the depths of my heart, I know that you did your VERY BEST.

That's me.

This is my first blog post, so I think I should talk about me. I'm Marketing major and I will graduate in this winter. Although I chose marketing, honestly, I don’t have confidence on it. But I like do some jobs related to marketing. Because I’m really like to analyze customer behavior by using psychology method. I think I am not a creative girl so that I can't do marketing job because marketing is full of creation. But in the first marketing class, professor said that you do not need to create everything, you just need to do something better. And marketing people always focus on customer need. I finally find out that this is the real interesting thing I want to do in my future career.

I do not have much more working experience because I studied fine art program for almost 10 years in my country. But I worked in an advertising company as an internship. My manager’s job is to contact marketing department of real-estate companies and then design their products marketing strategy. I’m her assistant and I learned a lot from her about marketing. I really enjoy doing marketing job, that’s one of the reasons why I changed my major. I don’t know what I will do after I got B.A. diploma. But whatever I will do I think I can do it best.